A significant percentage of businesses produce hazardous waste. Those in the drycleaning industry produce unused perchloroethylene, while those in construction produce acids/bases, paint waste and ignitable waste. Further, agricultural businesses release unabsorbed pesticides/fertilizers into water bodies, and so on.
This means that the chances are your business contributes to environmental pollution. Thus, you should have protective measures, and one of them is ensuring your employees are well-informed. This guide discusses three tips for training your employees about hazardous waste:
1. Inform them about how the waste is produced
It can be easier for your employees to help you manage waste if they understand how it happens. Thus, consider frequent training and reminders to ensure that all of your employees are aware of the waste the company’s operations emit and the dangers they can encounter.
2. Discuss personal protective equipment (PPE)
While protecting the environment is vital, your employees should also be informed about protecting themselves. Therefore, the training should also cover the importance of personal protective equipment, including gloves, eye masks, ear protection, hats and body suits, among others.
Since your employees will be aware of the business’s hazardous waste, they may be cooperative about wearing PPE. However, they should be informed on how to wear the equipment appropriately and when to replace them.
3. Have a plan for emergency responses
Although the company’s goal should be managing hazardous waste, preventing it from being released into the environment or harming someone, you should discuss emergency responses in your training because accidents can happen. A robust emergency response plan can help you prevent serious injuries or deaths.
It’s crucial for your employees to be informed about the company’s hazardous waste. It will also help to get legal guidance to protect yourself from potential lawsuits regarding your business’s effects on the environment.