Presenting Aggressive Responses To Federal, State And Local Enforcement Initiatives
Periconi, LLC, defends business and corporate clients against New York civil and criminal enforcement actions claiming that environmental permits have been violated. When a New York state, local or federal government agency charges that pollution emission levels are being exceeded, or when the handling of environmentally hazardous wastes or materials come into question in administrative proceedings, Periconi, LLC, represents clients in federal and state administrative forums. When criminal charges arise, the environmental litigation attorneys of Periconi, LLC, are known for presenting effective criminal enforcement defense in federal and state courts. For experienced representation in an environmental enforcement action by any government agency, contact the lawyers of Periconi, LLC, today.
Proposing Supplemental Environmental Projects
As an alternative to paying fines to a government agency in an enforcement action, businesses found in violation of their permits may opt to develop supplemental environmental projects or SEPs. In lieu of paying a full penalty, the dollar amounts that would have gone toward paying a fine can be used to make environmental improvements at the client’s facility. This requires creativity; a business must develop its own proposal for a supplemental environmental project, and then “sell it” to the enforcement agency. The attorneys of Periconi, LLC, have the knowledge and experience needed to assist corporate clients in developing successful projects that reduce penalties and gaining state or federal approval to enact their plans. James Periconi developed the first dollar-for-dollar SEP in a federal case more than a decade ago and has successfully promoted SEPs in other cases.
For experienced defense in enforcement actions in state and federal court or administrative forums, contact the New York environmental law attorneys of Periconi, LLC. You can also call us at 646-733-4487.