Obtaining And Defending Environmental Permits That Promote Business Efficiency
The experienced environmental attorneys of Periconi, LLC, help clients obtain environmental permits that allow New York businesses to operate efficiently within the bounds of environmental laws and regulations. Permits that designate wastewater discharge limitations, storage and disposal of hazardous waste, and air emissions protect local communities while allowing New York manufacturing and corporate enterprises to operate profitably. For assistance in obtaining and defending New York environmental permits, contact Periconi, LLC.
Securing Environmental Permits For Businesses
The attorneys of Periconi, LLC, have successfully secured environmental permits of all kinds for business corporations and individuals, including:
- Wastewater treatment permits
- Water discharge permits
- Air emissions permits
- Hazardous waste permits
- Wetlands permits
Defending Environmental Permit Holders Against Alleged Violations
Once a permit has been obtained, it is usually subject to strict enforcement by one or more government agencies. With so many regulatory bodies overseeing the permit limits, it is critical for New York businesses to operate within those permit limits or under certain thresholds for permits. If a company accumulates more than certain amounts of hazardous waste, for example it may require permits. The federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sets a number of stringent guidelines for waste treatment, storage, and disposal and permits for such activities.
When businesses face accusations of permit violations, the lawyers of Periconi, LLC, represent them in civil enforcement actions. With experienced senior former prosecuting counsel, Periconi, LLC, also offers strong defense in criminal environmental enforcement proceedings. In cases involving allegations of corporate wrongdoing, Periconi, LLC, can assist in monitoring internal corporate investigations that serve to expose the actions of individuals, distinguishing them from company-wide misconduct. For experienced civil or criminal defense against enforcement actions, contact Periconi, LLC, today by calling 646-733-4487.