Are you a waste hauler? Does your business generate solid waste in New York? If so, you should be aware of the new solid waste regulations went into effect November 4, 2017. These are the first major revisions to the State's solid waste program in more than 20 years!...
Month: December 2017
New York State DEC Issues New General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activities
Do you own or operate a facility in New York that discharges stormwater? If so, be aware that as of October 1, 2017, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) issued a new Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) scheme for Stormwater Discharges...
New York City Will Make It Easier to Remove “E” Designations From Properties Identified As Such In the Zoning Maps
Every once in a while, government agencies actually make things easier or more efficient for the general public. In the case of contaminated properties, New York City is helping potential property developers. Recently, the New York City Department of Environmental...
The Most Effective Way To Amass Penalties For Violating Environmental Regulations (And How To Ensure It Does Not Happen To You)
Some incredible lapse of judgment (or reasonableness) must occur for an individual to accumulate $200 million dollars' (!) worth of potential environmental violations. And, of course, that is that happened with an auto repair facility in Northumberland Township. On...