Businesses can harm the environment due to the large amounts of waste they produce. Examples include chemicals, plastic, fertilizer residue, food waste, greenhouse gas emissions and so on. And this is not only an issue caused by companies in the industrial field, an...
Environmental Audits
DEC Finalizes Major Changes to State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Regulations
What's a New York developer to do about the seemingly interminable environmental review of proposed projects and the costs these reviews add to affected projects?Hope that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) hears your prayers. And it...
Sellers Beware: Unauthorized Petroleum Tank Repair Ruled a Breach of Environmental Warranty
Everyone's heard of the phrase, "Be careful what you wish for," but Sunoco, Inc. might be ready to coin a new phase, "Be careful what you warrant."In 2009, Sunoco, Inc. sold an Oneida County-based Marcy Terminal to Superior US Holdings, Inc. Given that it was an oil...
New Rules Governing Hazardous Waste Storage in New York City are Coming Into Effect: Will Your Facility be Ready?
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, the New York City Council passed a flurry of laws designed to increase the resiliency of the City during future storm events. One of these laws, Local Law 143, requires operators of facilities that store hazardous substances to file...
DEC Announces New Environmental Self-Audit Policy With Incentives For Participating Businesses
Have you ever wondered what you can do to reduce fines for environmental violations that you suspect you may have, but you live in fear of an environmental enforcement action that hammers you for it?You may be able to avoid some of the pain by simply telling the...